Thursday, December 25, 2008

Impossible things that I have experienced.

A Christmas tree, on an island, with it's lights on.
Listening to an hour-and-47-minute-long album in 34 minutes.
Having a light switch on the other side of the room turned off while alone.
Enjoying Soul Plane.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Rant about a Plant

Marijuana should be legal for so many reasons that it would be absurd to try and document them all on this blog. However, I will run through a couple of them.

Excellent reasons for why marijuana should be legal:

1. Marijuana is not a gateway drug. "People who use heavy drugs claim that their drug use started with marijuana." No shit. There has to be a beginning to everything, including drug use. The first time you drove a car, did you compete in Le Mans? Of course not. To relate, hardly anybody's first drug will be heroin or some other hard street drug. At some point during every pot smoker's use of marijuana, and sometimes even before they start blazing, he or she will learn of drugs that have much more pronounced effects. Whether or not this person then decides to move on from marijuana to more intense drugs has nothing to do with the fact that they blazed in the first place. It has to do with a combination of morbid curiosity, life situation, and brain chemistry. The use of marijuana does not have a causal relationship with the later use of more harmful drugs.

2. Tobacco is legal.

3. Alcohol is legal.

4. Marijuana does not cause a lack of motivation. Marijuana has a tendency to attract users of less-than-average motivation, because being high makes sitting on a couch all day interesting. If marijuana didn't exist, it's not as if these people would be out doing medical research or volunteering at homeless shelters.

5. The government says that it should be illegal.

6. "Marijuana negatively affects the memory." First of all, let's see some proof. Secondly, so does being tired and aging.

7. If marijuana was legalized, crime would decrease. By making something illegal, the government creates a black market for it, and crime results. Is increased crime really worth having in order to fail at preventing people from lighting up a J?

8. Vaporizers exist. The argument about negative effects on the lungs is not valid.

9. Reggae.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Media & Law

I feel like the media is responsible for ruining people's perceptions of the legal profession in this country. Think about the coverage of trials that you have seen. You always hear about the beginning of a case, such as the announcement of a lawsuit. Yet, you almost never hear about the result of a case.
This may be due to the American public's absurdly short attention-span. By the time a trial is over, not enough people even care about it any longer to justify putting it on the 6 o'clock news. By the way, that's another sign of how much working sucks. The workday is supposed to end at 5, but not enough people return home from work that corporations can't justify dipping into the marketing budget for another hour.
All those people are just sitting in traffic, idling their gasoline purchase away as they release clouds of toxic, environmentally-damaging chemicals into the atmosphere that ORGANISMS BREATHE. Companies that produce cars and gasoline (and are DEFINITELY owned by the same group of people) are the reason for the two biggest problems facing the United States: climate change and the Iraq War.
Actually, climate change is a problem facing every organism on the planet. The Iraq War is a financial sinkhole that is partly to blame for why this recession has hit us so hard and will last as long as it will. Thanks, Congress, for doing NOTHING while the Executive Branch went well on its way to destroying this country. Where are those checks & balances that the Constitution calls for? They're buried under the power of the President.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Just found this on IMDB...

There are some classic ideas here. The plot for "North Pole" is awesome and I sincerely hope that somebody makes this movie. Enjoy.

Christmas Movies that Never Were...

Fuck People in Power

Fuck the government and fuck big corporations (these two groups are one in the same). There will be NO redress for this. Corporate executives just stole billions of taxpayer dollars. Literally, they stole the money right out of the pockets of working Americans. America truly is the greatest country in the world if you're a billionaire. Anyone else gets the shaft, gets hardcore fucked, and has it done daily.

Artificial Intelligence: Good or Bad?

The basic premise that I am discussing here is whether or not it is a good idea to create humanoid robots with artificial intelligence. Why I think this may not be a good idea: if we create robots with our level of intelligence, yet with more strength and a body whose parts can be routinely replaced (allowing it to avoid death by natural causes), wouldn't they just dominate and/or replace us through natural selection? Could this theory apply to robotic creations?

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Quick Rant on Why I Hate the Dallas Cowboys

Yes, the Giants lost last night to Dallas. They gave me more reasons to hate them, and I'm not talking about them simply beating the Giants. Just because you come out and say you're "America's Team" doesn’t mean anything. Even George Steinbrenner doesn't say that. If you know me you know that I'm not the biggest fan of the guy, and he IS arrogant as all hell. Even though he may say the Yankees are sport's best/most successful franchise, he isn't going around calling the franchise "America's Team." It's so unbelievably annoying when Jerry Jones, the Cowboys' owner is constantly down on the field during a game. I can't think of any other owner in sports that does that. I don't know if anyone noticed, but near the game they showed Jones in his luxury box, and all his friends had the same exact suit on. Jones needs to get out of football and go back to his oil field. By the way, you can't call yourself "America's Team" when your state propped up one of the worst presidents in United States' history pal!

Now, prior to last night's game there was a lot of controversy with Terrell Owens, Tony Romo, and Jason Witten. TO came out and said he was jealous of Romo + Witten's relationship, saying they come up with secret plays they'll run come game time. During the game there were numerous camera shots of the 3 congregating and laughing, in an obviously staged scenario. After the game, the three were interviewed in one of the most contrived and artificial interviews I've ever seen in sports. I can't stand the fact that the sports media loves this team so much. They're trying to prop up this team, consistently favoring them, calling them the best team in the league, even when they haven't won a playoff game in twelve years.

America's Team? What have they done for America besides annoy most of the football fan base? "Big D" is full of big dopes if you ask me. I'm so sick of all of them.